Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Running Moms Rock 5k

This past Saturday was one of the funnest (this word is totally legit in my world) races I’ve ever done (I think I say that about most of them, but they just keep getting funner!).

I had no intentions of doing this one early on and my running group already had their teams filled.  Plus it was one of my only free weekends in April, with nothing planned.  

Then a spot opened up on my fellow cupcakes team!  Frunner DK bullied me into joining, but we agreed not tell anyone else, that I would be a secret/special guest!  I am horrible at keeping secrets and I almost slipped a couple of times, but no one except Alicia figured it out until the day of the run.  What a fun surprise! 

The Thursday before the race DK and I, being our crafty selves, created our adorable costumes for the race.  

We represented #teamcupcake quite appropriately, don’t you think?

We all arrived at the race a little early, so we could get some pictures with one of our sponsors, The Flour Shop, an adorable little bakery in Highland Village, where the race was held.  

There were so many fun team costumes…

Toy Story - This team won the costume contest - Adorable!


 The Minions

 Another MRTT group! Mary Jo and her mini cakes.  They were *so* adorable!  
I LOVE Mary Jo's apron!

Moms Run This Town - All The Cupcakes!

The awesome thing about this race was that it benefited the Child Advocacy Center of Denton County.

There were also lots of fun vendors and we loaded up on the loot (and candy)!

Camp Gladiator was there and were doing a push up contest. 

I figured I may as well try!

Little did I know I could rock out 55 push-ups in 60 seconds (thanks Pure Barre!).

Good enough for the top spot for a little while, but I was knocked into second (by someone with not as good of form), but it was just for fun!

I won a heavily discounted month of Camp Gladiator!

Pretty soon it was time to race!

Let me start out by saying this was only my second 5k ever.  

I did a 5k when I first started running, and to me it seemed more like a marathon than a 5k.  That was almost 5 years ago!

I don’t race, I pace.  I have one speed and that is consistent.  A speed that will get me to the finish of 26.2 without dying.  One of the things I really want to work on is improving my short distance times.  I’m pretty sure it can only help my long distance running too.

The race was pretty non eventful.  It was really hot (86 degrees) and incredibly humid.  At one point I told frunner Alicia that I thought my heart was going to explode!  Thank goodness I carried my own water – even though there were two water spots (awesome and unusual for a 5k).  The route was surprisingly hilly (not advertised), but had some nice spots through some wooded areas.  I didn’t take any race pictures as I was trying to get to the finish as fast as I could.  There were lots of encouragers along the way – especially for a 5k as the run went through several residential areas – people were out on their lawns.

My splits broke down like this:

Mile 1 – 9:16
Mile 2 – 10:05
Mile 3 – 10:12
Last .1 – 9:53 pace
Total – 30:06
Not my best 5k – my first 5k was <30 minutes, but pretty good for a hot day!

#teamcupcake rocked it out for a cumulative 3rd place win in the team competition!  Missing second place by only 25 seconds.  

We’re not only cute lil cupcakes, we are speedy too! 

After the race, the party continued.  There were lots of restaurants in the surrounding area and a band that played until 8pm.  There were raffles, lots of prizes and lots for kids to do (face painting, bounce houses etc).  I would recommend this race to anyone who wants to run and have a fun time doing so! Plus it benefits such an important cause – winning for everyone!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Chase 8.0

It was a hot week in Texas…we have skipped right from winter to summer, skipping both spring and what I like to call “summer light”.  

Everything is blooming and greening up (I can smell it in the air!)

I planted some David Austin roses last spring and they are already going bonkers!  I need to reign them back a bit!

It was a great week for working out!  While it wasn’t a high running mileage week by any means, I had some other key workouts that are helping my running for sure!

Here’s what last week looked like for me:

Monday:  Barre – I skipped out on the lunch time run because it was a really humid day.

Tuesday:  A marathon workout day! After an exhausting, but fun field trip to the Perot museum in Dallas with my son’s entire second grade class (I highly recommend the museum if you are ever in Dallas, especially with kids).  There are so many cool hands on things the kiddos can do, plus we saw a really fun and educational movie on bugs.


Louis and his girlfriend (yes, both of them admit this).

These two are so cute (secretly hoping they stick together - she is adorable AND her mom is *great*).

After an hour long nap, I rallied for a Core class, an a$$ kicking Tabata class and then did a 5 mile tempo run!

I slept *really* well that night!

Wednesday – a nice lil 6 mile run on super tired legs

Thursday – a well deserved rest day, unless crafting with my crazy fun friend DK counts!

Friday – Barre

Saturday – Barre and the “Running Moms Rock” 5k. Our team got second! More on that later this week. It was SO fun!

Sunday – More Barre. I didn’t get to the “Breaking Down the Barre” class, mostly because it was at 8am and I was exhausted from the previous day, but I got in an afternoon session & a super class!

 My dogs also got baths – that was a workout in itself!

My total mileage for the week: 14.1 miles. A far cry from the 19-23 I was planning, but better than nothing. Louis and I didn’t get to run this week as he wasn’t feeling well again, this time with a stomach virus. So we both got in a little extra rest this week.

I was hoping to be 1/3 way through my 1540 mile goal for the year, but am a little short. I know it’s because I’ve backed of the miles so much (a much needed break!). I ran the fewest number of miles in April as I have in the past year. Almost half of what I was doing earlier in the year (about 84 this month). I know this will pick up once I start ramping up for marathon training again this summer, so I am just enjoying the break for now.

This week’s goals:

Monday – Barre + 3 evening miles

Tuesday – Barre + Core + Tabata – another crazy workout day!

Wednesday – Barre + 6 miles

Thursday – Barre + 3 miles

Friday – rest

Saturday – Barre + 4-6 miles

Sunday – 4-6 miles

May starts a “barre challenge” of 20 classes in 30 days, so this week will take care of 3 of those. I can’t wait to see if I can complete the challenge!

I am also still working on the clean eating challenge with my MRTT group. I have been far from perfect, I’ll admit it, but I am working on it that is for sure. I’ve never been into deprivation; I just need to stop overdoing the sugar. Later this week, I’ll post an awesome recipe for some protein cake like brownies with all “good for you” ingredients.

What are your goals for the week?

Are you a clean eater?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

G - Goals

I think one way to be the most successful at meeting goals is to put them "out there".

Letting the world (or a few friends and family) what you want to achieve is a great way to stay accountable.

Some of my running goals this year are to:

*PR at my "A" marathon this fall (sub 4:20 or better)
*Finish double 5ks and double marathons (29.3 miles, 2 days in a row) #teamstupid

*Complete an ultra (50k or more) trail marathon

*Attend 100 barre classes so I can get those awesome red socks!

*Run a cumulative total of 1540 miles this year.  Why 1540?  That's the distance from me to my I Run 4 buddy Kyan!

Long term....

*Complete 50 marathons by the time I am 50 - I am definitely picking up the pace
*Get faster
*Get that sub 2 marathon
*Run in places I love...Paris, London and one Ryan loves, Tokyo;postID=832451768238543400;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=1;src=link
*Complete grad school in the same year I turn 40 (yikes! I'm going to be 40?!)
This is taking every ounce of my extra will power at this point.  I have been "in school" for almost three years to get to this point, taking a wrong turn along the way.  I am in the home stretch of my last fluff, but not really fluff, class - nursing leadership.  At this point I think I could teach the class.  I only have 3 classes left before I get to the exhausting part, the clinical hours. will be worth it.  It will be worth it.  It will be worth it.  Right?

An *always* goal...
Be the best mom, girlfriend, daughter, friend, furmom, nurse and colleague I can be.  Every day.

Most of these goals seem pretty easy compared to my current goal...

Clean up my diet.

This one is much harder than it sounds.  Most people tell me, "you can eat that, as much as you want, you'll run it off".  True, but not really.

I am sugar addict (the first step is admitting it, right?).  I love sugary and sweet things.  I nibble on them all day.  Cookie are my favorite, followed by cupcakes and chocolate chips.

I am leading a "clean eating challenge" with my running group and I feel like a failure as a role model.

Some days have been *ok* days, others?  Epic disasters.

Cupcakes and I have a love/hate relationship these days that no one dare tear apart.

I am resolving to myself as I write this to do *better* tomorrow.

I am not looking to start some crazy low calorie diet or feel the need to drop 10, 20lbs.  I just want to feel good.

I cut out the sugar pretty consistently last summer and felt *awesome*.

No afternoon headaches.  No post lunch crashes.  My skin looked great and I had a lot of energy.  I permanently cut out the daily cokes, and that was a *huge* win for me (I can still say this holds true).

After the Easter candy weekend I had...not so much.

I find it easy to give others advice, because it is what I should be doing.  It is what I strive to do.

With all the running, barre and strength training I do, I feel like I am being so unfair to my body by teasing it with some good stuff and then putting in some bad.  Being a bit of an emotional eater doesn't help either. 

On Wednesday I burned almost 1k calories (this is not an uncommon amount for me), but my food baby would reveal otherwise.

I don't overeat, I undereat.  Most days I have a 200-500 calorie deficit. My problems is that I under nourish.

Another blogger Mindy, was using My Fitness Pal.  I thought it looked kind of cool, so I started using it.

How eye opening it was to see what I was really putting in my body.  How short I was of some nutrients.  Lacking protein. Heavy on carbs.  Most importantly how much extra sugar I was consuming.

Too much sugar over time can not only lead to obesity, but can harden the arteries by elevating triglyceride (a component of cholesterol) levels.  Too much sugar impairs the immune system, making one more susceptible to illness, increases risk for Type 2 Diabetes and even some types of cancer.

You would think that with all that I know about nutrition, and a lack there of, I would know better!

I kind of liken it to all the nurses I've worked with over the years that smoked, mostly the ones at the first facility I worked at as a nurse.  Lord knows they knew better - seeing people suffer from COPD and lung cancer, but yet took advantage of all the smoke breaks they could.  Not judging, just saying...

So, tomorrow starts another week of *trying* to eat better.

Baby steps....

What is a current goal of yours that you struggle with?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Five

My sister friend Seallie lost her sweet little pup Macy to lymphoma this past week. 

She was just the best.  She fought a hard fight and stayed strong longer than most dogs do with that kind of diagnosis.

 (Macy on the left - I should have snuck her home that night)

The loss of our own dog Kirby, still seems fresh in my memory.  It was sudden, tragic and seems just like yesterday when it was a year ago.  He was the epitome of a *bad* dog, yet we loved him so.  It was his "thing".

 Kirby after his 14 day solo tour of N. Texas (he was lost one *very* hot July & found us again!)

I more sadness here.

So I got to thinking about how much joy my pets give me and others.

I am a certified dog lover, sometimes hoarder (I had three at one time, which I know isn't a lot to some people I know, but it was a lot to me).  I have a big heart for rescued pets (all of mine are!). 

I work at home alone, so my two pooches and my kitty (who remains elusive most days) are my co-workers, my exercise pals (they demand a walk each evening) and my best friends. 

To some people a dog is just a dog, but my dogs are my kids.

But, let's cut to the are 5 of my favorite dog/cat videos.

Watch me - they are awesomesauce and I'll *know* you will laugh.  Even if you have seen them before they are *definitely* worth watching again!

1. Dog Wants Bacon


2. Sad Dog Diary

2.5.  I had to get the cat's side of this in too.

3. Kitty Patty Cake (this is one of my son's FAVORITES - I think we have watched this 100 times. This is not an exaggeration.

4. This is just freaking hilarious.  That is all.

5.  Heartwarming & says it all.


Happy Friday!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

Since I'm still kind of debating on a topic for my *G* post, I thought I'd share the photos from the *adorable* baby shower my kind of sister in law Debbie through for my other kind of sister in law, Mara!

The shower was held the weekend before last, on a perfectly sunny spring Texas day.

The *little* things

Baby Butler Beans

 Wishes for Baby

The *bump*

Mara and her Mom

BFF Caitlin who came all the way from Wisconsin

The Butler ladies

aren't these the cutest shoes EVER?!

messages to baby....aren't these hilarious?

Such a fun day! 

Little Finley Marie should be here late next month and I'm sure there will be a race to the hospital to get dibs on holding her first!