Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rock and Roll Dallas Half Marathon

Rise AND shine! 5:20am.

For those of you who know me well, you know this is an absolute ungodly hour for me to get up, yet I was wide awake and ready to run!

I met my MRTT girls at the train station and we were on our way into the city.

These are some of the *bestest* frunners every!

Side note: This was Ampy's (the beauty in the middle) first half marathon!  She *crushed* it.  Sub 2 on her first try!  Luisa (the beauty next to me) also killed it with her first "official" (it's a long story) sub 2!  Marissa & Heather (the beauties on the right side) ran great races as well!

Luisa, Ampy & I made our way to corral 4. Before we knew it, we were up!  Time to run!

Over the years, I have moved up a little bit in corral placement.  Progress!  Year one (2010) I was all the way back in corral 10.  While I may have overestimated my finish time by just a few minutes, I was keeping up with the rest of the corral and managed to stay ahead of the 2 hour pacer for a little while.  A sub two has been my goal for this race the past two years.  I knew it wouldn't happen that day, so I ran this one purely for fun.

I managed to stay below a 9:40min/mile pace for a lot of the first half and only slowed down slightly over the split.  This is good news for me.  Progress and pacing are taking shape.  I have a bad habit, like a lot of runners on fresh legs, of going out to fast.  Rocking a fast first mile of two and then falling apart.  Not this day.  I made sure to stay steady throughout, especially the first 2-3 miles and it paid off.  I finished strong and probably ran more during this race than any in the past six months or so.  It was cold.  It was windy.  But it was fun!

My A goal was 2:10 and to stay <10min/mile.  I hit it.  On the dot.  

Search Results (Search Criteria : Last Name = aden)
OvrPlBibNameCity, StateTime
42154209Jolene AdenMcKinney, TX02:10:57

9:59.  That counts as <10, right?!

I had a lot of fun and saw a ton of friends along the way.

Two of the Bakers.  They jumped on the same train with us & ran this race as a family.  How cool is that?!  Wife Amy, finished just a few moments later.

The signs are always a fave!

Overall this is one of the funnest (that's a word, right?) races I do all year.  It was my very first half back in 2010 and my introduction to a long road of distance running.  I've had my ups and down throughout, but such is life.  We are always learning; finding ways to improve and better ourselves.

I can't wait to see how long I can keep this particular race streak going.

I'll leave you with this.  

My attempt at the hottie selfie.  I have true respect for the original poster.  This is a difficult task!


  1. Ha ha ha love the selfie! Your running never ceases to amaze me! You're the inspiration for me wanting to try my first attempt at a half this fall! Let's hope I can!! Keep up the fantastic running!! :)

    1. Thanks!! I can't wait to hear about your epic finish!! So excited for you! I know you will love it (mostly after you are done!). Keep up the great works. Miss you!

  2. Great recap!! Can't wait to hear how it ends!! Hottie selfie was hilarious! I may have to try it myself for my next half ;)
