Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Friday Five - Friday Funnies

In honor of all the kids going back to school and me being off school for a week (after a hellaciously - that's a word right? - busy class), I'm being super lazy this week.

Here are five Pinterest finds that made me smile (and in some cases laugh a lot).  I hope they make you smile too!


I have a feeling this is something Ryan would do if I ever dragged him into the craft store.


Perfectly acceptable for Monday morning school drop-off, right?


After spending so much time in MN over the past month, I just had to.
A good reminder why I no longer live there.


Happens a lot at my house and I only have one cat.


I couldn't just decide on one of these...

Inspired by Roscoe (my 100lb lab), who polished off a chicken, bones and all, while I was gone last week and lived to tell about it.

Have a great weekend!!

Thanks to  Courtney @Eat, Pray, Run DC, Mar @ Mar on the Run and Cynthia @You Signed Up For What?! for the Friday Five link-up!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, these really made me laugh out loud. Good job! I have a labrador too!
